july horoscope pisces aquarius capricorn sagittarius scorpio libra aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo horoscope for july

Horoscope for July: Scorpio

Scorpio horoscope by Karedwyn Bird, Tofino

Scorpio Oct.23 — Nov.21

scorpioFirst weekend of July packs extra punch with a New Moon and a partial Solar Eclipse that marks the start of a whole new Eclipse Cycle which will run for the next thousand years, called the Shift of the Ages by some. Whatever you call it, this Eclipsing New Moon is a potent one, and alterations made now have more impact.

The Sun in the cradle of Cancer all month calls for velvet-glove handling of sensitivities in self and others. Not exactly your strongest suit, I daresay.

But practice makes perfect - “People may be illogical, unreasonable & self-centered. Love them anyway.” (Kent M. Keith)

aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
| scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces

Tofino Time July 2011

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July Horoscope for Scorpio from Tofino. Written by Tofino astrologer Karedwyn Bird for Tofino Time Magazine.

tofino time july 2011