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Tofino in September 2012

by Adam Buskard, Tofino

the letter 'S'Summer is winding down and slowly but surely our town is returning from the frantic pace of the high season to its slower routine in September.

Enjoy our favourite month in Tofino!


Tofino Edible Garden Tour

On Sunday September 2nd from 1-4pm the Tofino Community Food Initiative will be having their 4th annual Edible Garden Tour. Come out and see what Tofino people are growing in their gardens. See how they cope with fog, low sunlight and cool evenings. How do they compost in bear country? How do they capture, store and dispense water? How do they raise chickens amongst wildlife?
Take part in the Edible Garden Tour and be surprised and inspired by their creative approaches.

Visit to print a tour map.

Suggested donation of $5 for the days event.


The Raincoast Re-Skilling Festivals

This fall, the Raincoast Education Society, with support from the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust, will be organizing two re-skilling festivals. In Tofino on Saturday, September 22nd, 10 am – 5 pm at the Tofino Botanical Gardens and at at the Ucluelet Community Centre on Saturday, November 3rd, 10 am – 5 pm.

The Raincoast Re-Skilling Festivals will provide a space to share knowledge about specific skill-sets and to highlight individuals, organizations, and businesses in our communities that have teachable and important skills. Hundreds of communities throughout the world are actively engaged in re-designing their futures by re-structuring their energy systems around local resources and by re-skilling local residents to develop diversified, local and resilient communities.

As remote, west coast communities, we are especially vulnerable to the risks associated with overdependence on foreign markets; therefore, it is essential that we begin providing opportunities for the re-skilling of local residents immediately. 

The Festivals will showcase the knowledge that our communities already have as well as identify potential knowledge gaps. Re-skilling is a commitment to the long-term process of re-creating resilient communities. Learning these skills takes time and now is a good time to start.

For more info about the Raincoast Re-Skilling Festivals, contact Kimberly Johnston at the Raincoast Education Society ( or visit


Solera Performing Arts

Solera Performing Arts is officially launching on Equinox 2012. On Saturday morning, Sept 22 from 10 to 11am, join Chilean born Guitarist Rodrigo Figueroa as he demonstrates some of his favorite music styles. September 22nd and 23rd Solera presents a Flamenco dance workshop by Veronica McGuire of Alma de Espana of Victoria BC, followed by performances by company members and some of the workshop students.

Throughout the upcoming year, in a series of monthly workshops, Solera will be working with University of Vancouver Island student and former Tofino resident, Bonnie Fon­taine to deliver a musical Theatre Program. Bonnie is presently completing her Bachelor of Arts degree, and has extensive experience working with children as a music teacher and formerly as a child care worker. She brings decades of music and theatre experience, having begun her theatre studies with Tofino’s own Gary Marks at the Clayoquot Sound Community Theatre.

The first will be held in Saturday and Sunday September 29th and 30th in Tofino and Ucluelet and will include stage craft and set design. Janine Wood will collaborate with dance students in Classical Ballet, and World Dance.

Contact Solera for info on classes, scholarships, performances, advance ticket sales for upcoming events at:


Adam Buskard has spent many years in Tofino. Having lived on Frank Island for a number of years, he knows a thing or two about Winter in Tofino.

Tofino Time September 2012

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Tofino in September 2012: An overview of what’s happening this month in Tofino, by Adam Buskard for Tofino Time Magazine.


tofino time september 2012
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