tofino golf - hitting the wind ball

Tofino Golf: Hitting the Wind Ball

by Keith "Gibby" Gibson, C.P.G.A Head Professional, Tofino


Playing in the wind or hitting the wind ball seems to be needed at the golf course. Learning how to play in the wind can be very useful when playing in conditions that are out of the norm, without causing your game to get blown away.

When you're hitting the ball into the wind you want to be able to hit it a little bit lower and by taking a club that you would normally hit say 190 yards with no wind and trying to hit the same club 160 yards tends to be a little scary. Here are few ideas that may help tame the beast and allow you to play well in windy conditions.

First of all, in my normal set up the ball is just inside my left heel. In the wind I will move the ball about four or five inches back towards my right foot. I'll open my stance just slightly and bring my hands a little bit forward to take some loft off the club.

The idea with this is to take a couple of extra clubs and swing easy. The harder you try to hit the ball the more spin you'll put on it and cause it to go up in the air. One point I think is overlooked in golf is watching the ball. I've changed my set up and put the ball back in my stance. Now what I'm going to do now is just concentrate and watch the ball and let the swing take care of itself.

To wrap it up – when playing into the wind, move the ball back four or five inches in your stance and open your stance slightly. Bring your hands forward and keep your eyes on the ball. Hopefully this will improve your wind game, and not prevent you from enjoying your round of golf when it's a little windy. Remember, "when it's a little breezy swing easy."

Happy Golfing!

Keith Gibby Gibson is a pro golfer, managing the Long Beach Golf Course in Tofino. Visit their website at
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Tofino pro golfer Keith Gibby Gibson from the Long Beach Golf Course gives tips about hitting the wind ball in this article from Tofino Time Magazine.

tofino time august 2002

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