Horoscope for December: Sagittarius
Sagittarius horoscope by Karedwyn Bird, Tofino
Sagittarius: November 22 December 21
Gigantic, magnanimous Jupiter rules your sign, and you’re lucky! Your planetary ruler endows you with a high-minded, easy-going & optimistic nature, a top-notch sense of humour, and a tendency to over indulging in the pleasures of life! If you’re not arrowing- off to far horizons with the last of the migrating flocks this winter, you will need to do something else that fulfills your gypsy soul…
Let yourself be transported by the wide open sands, the call of winter birds wheeling overhead, and the great wash of winter storms. Come back with a light so bright, we will not miss the Sun.. by this, you will have the greatest of birthdays!
aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces
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December Horoscope for Sagittarius from Tofino. Written by Tofino astrologer Karedwyn Bird for Tofino Time Magazine.
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