february horoscope pisces aquarius capricorn sagittarius scorpio libra aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo horoscope for february

Horoscope for February 2009: Capricorn

Capricorn horoscope by Karedwyn Bird

Capricorn Dec.23 — Jan.19

capricornHope and optimism are powerful agents in effecting change in the world, enabling human beings to survive even the worst of conditions.

Both the Feast of Lights on the 2nd, and Valentine's, on the 14th, serve vital roles in enhancing these elan vitals during this month of midwinter darkness.

Let celebration pave your path to a better tomorrow, and let magical solutions triumph!

aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
| scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces

Tofino Time Magazine February 2009

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February Horoscope for Capricorn from Tofino. Written by Tofino astrologer Karedwyn Bird for Tofino Time Magazine.

tofino time february 2009