july horoscope pisces aquarius capricorn sagittarius scorpio libra aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo horoscope for july

Horoscope for July 2010: Libra

Libra horoscope by Karedwyn Bird, Tofino

Libra Sep.23 — Oct.22

libraThe wild ride of the Spring of 2010 continues to roller coaster at warp speed through July - proceed unhurriedly with high receptivity.

Discernment of priorities and disciplined focus come easily with the transit of Saturn through the final checkpoints of precision-loving Virgo.

Family issues benefit with the great wisdom of compassion, especially around the days of the eclipsed New Moon in emotional Cancer on the 11th.

Creative fires get stoked around the 22nd onward as the Summer Sun mounts the throne of sunny Leo.

aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
libra | scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces

Tofino Time Magazine July 2010

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July 2010 Horoscope for Libra from Tofino. Written by Tofino astrologer Karedwyn Bird for Tofino Time Magazine.

tofino time july 2010