tofino gardening in june

Tofino Gardening in June

by Trina Mattson, Tofino


June has arrived again, and as I read over last year’s notes I have found a couple of differences, last year, roses were just coming into bloom in June, this year already in bloom for at least two weeks, same with Wisteria, and other early summer bloomers. So what does that say about our weather, besides that it is getting warmer sooner and not raining as much? I do know this we are all going to have to rethink our garden strategies, out with the old, cool moist shade loving plants, and in with the drought tolerant, sun loving plants. I don’t think we are close to having to put cacti outside yet, or at least I hope not, but we are definitely getting into some sub tropical plants, and even at the nursery we have in Hardy Banana trees, and Tasmanian Tree ferns or the latter will be in as soon as they get out of quarantine. So as to tackling the moisture or lack there of, mulching is an excellent way to retain moisture in the ground, saying this, and although cedar mulch is excellent for the rhodos and other acidic soil loving plants, be careful if you use sawdust, from my own personal experience, I found it does not work overly well, looks great at first smells kinda nice, then the ants move in and make a nest, then the sawdust matts downs and forms a moisture proof barrier, ok if you want to keep moisture from getting into your garden, and finally the agonizing reality the no, it didn’t provide the weed barrier you hoped for, and now you can’t get any moisture to the garden at all, and you have to spend hours trying to rake up a compacted matt of dried out dusty sawdust, and dispose of it somehow (!!****>„‰^$% ). Next chore, This is the time to start thinking about what types of tulips and daffodils and other spring blooming bulbs you want to put into the garden, but wait a minute, didn’t spring just happen? Yes I’m sure it did. But in Garden centres by the beginning of July, we have to place our Spring bulb, to make sure we get the varieties that we want, so if you have any Special bulbs that you want brought in or would like to browse through the catalogues to see what is available, just come on in and we would be happy to show you.

Summer blooming bulbs are in and are ready to be planted now, supplies are getting limited so if you have a yen for that magenta Dahlia, or blue Geranium act quickly. Speaking of blue, we have the most amazing Himalayan Blue poppies in right now, that is just out of this world, what the big deal you ask, well it’s one the purest blues found in the garden that likes cool, moisture retentive soil, and shaded areas in the garden. For those that are making their hanging baskets, remember to trim back your plants a little when you plant them, and they will grow in twice as thick than if you just plant them.

Trim back any bloomed out perennials, and trees and shrubs. Start deadheading your rhodos for thicker fuller growth, and this is the month to fertilize them again.

Clematis will need to be staked and secured, and they should also be starting to bloom, so a shot of fertilizer will do them wonders as well. Any body who limed and fertilized their lawns are probably cursing me now, because they need to mow at least once a week, but the lawn looks great hey. Also it is time for the second shot of fertilizer for the lawn, this one with a weed killer in it as well. So happy, mowing, raking, digging, and fertilizing.

Trina Mattson operates the Ordinary Corner Nursery in Tofino.

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Tofino garden tips for June, written by Trina Mattson from the Ordinary Corner Nursery in Tofino for Tofino Time Magazine in June 2004.

tofino time june 2004

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