december horoscope pisces aquarius capricorn sagittarius scorpio libra aries taurus gemini cancer leo virgo horoscope for december

Horoscope for December 2008: Taurus

Taurus horoscope by Karedwyn Bird

Taurus Apr.20 — Aug. 19

taurusPlan a pajama party for the 8th when the Moon is passing out of fiery, passionate Aries into your sensual, massage-me sign just before the midnite hour.

Make no sudden moves in the shapeshifting light of the Gemini full Moon at midmonth; keep your resolves at hand and direction affirmed. Clarification comes on the 17th, and a powerful repose moves mountains.

Solstice on the 2nd last Sunday of the year is a perfect time to give a gift of hope. It will return full circle to you so very quickly.

aries | taurus | gemini | cancer | leo | virgo
| scorpio | sagittarius | capricorn | aquarius | pisces

Tofino Time Magazine December 2008

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December Horoscope for Taurus from Tofino. Written by Tofino astrologer Karedwyn Bird for Tofino Time Magazine.

tofino time december 2008