a cold cloudy moring - by beni spieler visit the photographer's website

A cold cloudy morning: Rain in Tofino

by Beni Spieler, Tofino

the letter 'I'

I've never really understood why so many people dislike the rain.

I can sort of sympathize with the urbanites simply because they're all dressed up with some place to go... always, apparently. And I guess, just maybe, getting soaked inside a suit that you have to wear to work all day might kind of suck.
But I still always find it funny when I'm in the city and a light misty rain starts down.

Magically everybody has an umbrella or starts running for cover as if a bomb were about to drop.

But this isn't just some city found feeling. People on the island can hate rain too. Shocking, I know, but it's true.

Even back in Tofino, rain capital of the west coast, I still find a plethora of people hating it, or at the very least disliking it.
But in Tofino, we do it with style.

No umbrellas for us, nope, not a chance.

We go outside and we just... do whatever it is we actually do in the rain.

In Tofino we have a different kind of magic, one that usually doesn't involve a bunch of umbrellas appearing in our hands whenever the weather turns sour. Thank the gods.

But getting back to where I was going with this before I made the mistake of sympathizing with people who need a lightning rod wearing a skirt above their head to feel comfortable in the not so poorest of weather related conditions.

I like the rain. I really do. I absolutely one hundred percent adore it.

My morning is that much better when I look out my window to see a heavy shower coming down. Hell, I consider my morning delightful when I wake up disgruntled in a park to a thunderstorm, even if I can't remember exactly why I'm there.
I like the way it melts off the clouds and drips down to the Earth with a path that could only be completely random, but seems to have a fated trajectory anyway.

I never get tired of the way the sky seems to smear in the distance when a rain storm is approaching, making mountains and trees look like water colour paintings.

I will always laugh when I remember running through a storm with some friends to get to Beaches for some snacks.

I'll never forget how pretty it can make a girl look when she's soaked to the bone, and she looks me in the eye with cold red-blushed cheeks. Then just smiles and laughs.

I love the way it reminds me of being back home in Tofino no matter where I go.

I'm always finding myself thinking of home when it begins to rain. A mixture of nostalgia and longing dripping from the sky and into my heart. There may not be an ocean to stare at, or even a beach to sit on, but I do have grey clouds to clear up my day.
Every little drop containing a memory, a healing salve for a wandering soul, a thousand little crystals of hope for a wetter tomorrow.

When I was stuck at home doing homework, or whatever it was I did instead of finishing my homework, the rain beating against the roof of my home helped me relax.

The gentle drumming, or even the heavy symphonic noise over my head always brought a calm to my soul.

In that same way, I feel that rain can cleanse my soul when I'm out in it. Removing all those bad vibes, releasing me of any negative energy.

I suppose that's why I loved being in Tofino so much. Lovely location. Amazing people. My favourite weather.
That and it never snowed.
I really hate the snow.

But I love Tofino, and how welcomingly wet it is.

Born in rainy Vancouver, Beni spent much of his life growing up in Tofino. His favourite books as a kid was ' A walk in the Rain'.

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